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            Mr. Bao:13590454892
            current position: Home Product Bubble bag Transparent bubble bag
            • Transparent bubble bag
            • Transparent bubble bag
            • Transparent bubble bag
            • Transparent bubble bag
            • Transparent bubble bag
            • Transparent bubble bag
            Transparent bubble bag
            Name: Bubble bag  
            Material: LDPE  
            Features: shock absorption, elasticity, moisture, corrosion resistance,  
            Uses: Express parcels, instruments, electronic products, crafts, furniture, ceramics
            The bubble bag contains air to form air bubbles to prevent product impact, ensuring that the product is protected when the product is vibrated, and there is also an effect of insulation insulation, suitable for different products packaging or turnover of all walks of life! Since the air cushion film is filled with air, the body is light, the elasticity, sound insulation, shock resistance, anti-wear resistance, it waterproof, moisture-proof, pressure.  
            Bubble bags are separate and double-sided, and the single-sided bubble bag is suitable for protecting its own weight of products, and the double-sided bubble bag has a strong vapor vapor. It is suitable for large weight item packaging. Single, double-sided bubble bags are suitable for packaging of industry products such as bags, slice. Single, double-sided bubble pockets can provide electrostatic bubble bags, as well as different colors, printing. It can also be composite other materials to increase protection and beautiful views.
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             Copyright ? Shenzhen Sante Packaging Products Co., Ltd.  Record number: 粵ICP備13023430號-1
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