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            Mr. Bao:13590454892
            current position: Home Product Destruction series PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            • PET hot shrink film
            PET hot shrink film
            The PET heat shrinkable film is a new type of heat shrink packaging material. Since it has easy recycling, non-toxic, tasteless, mechanical properties, especially in compliance with environmental protection, in developed countries, polyester (PET) has become an ideal alternative to substituted polytetrane (PVC) heat shrinkable film.

            PET (Chinese Name Polyester) The heat shrinkable film has high lightweight, high systolic, and currently, the domestic PET film is divided into domestic film and imported film. The difference between the two is mainly due to the membrane contraction ratio and membrane light transmission, domestic The shrinkage ratio of the film is about 58%. The contraction ratio of the imported PET can be as high as 82%, which is in the light transmittance. Due to the production of raw materials and processing processes, the transmittance is around 60%, imported PET light transmission The rate can be as high as 95%.

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